Sunday, November 27, 2011

World’s Richest Countries!

  1.  Luxembourg, the tiny nation with a population of a meager 500,000 people, boosts of the highest per capita GDP of $80,800! It is the 8th smallest Nation in the World yet the richest! Size really dosent matter!
  2.  Qatar is reeling at number 2 with a per capita GDP of $75,900! This Arabic Nation with a population of slightly more than one million gained independence from the Great Britain only in 1971! A relatively new Country on the block, but they surely mean business!
  3.   Norway, the 3rd in this list has a per capita GDP of $55,600. Its main source of income is export of oil and natural gas. Its living cost is 30% more than that of the USA!
  4.   Kuwait which is proud of a per capita GDP of $55,300! This Nation contributes to about 10% of the World’s total oil reserve!
  5. The United Arab Emirates is one of the most economically developed counties in the World! With a GDP per capita of $55,600, the Country has enough money to build artificial islands and great structures! It just constructed the Burj Khalifa which is the tallest building in the World! It is taller than the Empire State Building in New York!
  6. Singapore, which comprises of around 65 islands, is the 6th richest Nation in the World! Its per Capita GDP is about $48,300 and it is known to be the most business friendly Nation in the World! 
  7.  The USA is the 7th richest nation in the World with a per capita GDP of$46,500! The USA is also home to the largest number of billionaires in the World! 
  8. Ireland, the largest maker of computer software is the world is rated by the Economist as the Country which has the best quality of life! With a per capita GDP of $45,600, the country is a perfect amalgamation of tradition and modernity!
  9. Equatorial Guinea, the Central African country came into the lime light after oil reserves were discovered in its backyard in 1996! It is the largest producer of oil in Africa! Although it boosts of a GDP per capita of $44,100, corruption is rampant in the Country! The people still live in poverty, and unemployment too is a huge concern for the Country! Despite all this, the Country still manages the 9th spot!
  10. Switzerland is the 10th richest Nation in the World! With a Per Capita GDP of $39,350, the Country has always been a special favorite among the Indian tourists!

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