Friday, May 25, 2012

Medical Related Abbreviations

  1. AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
  2. BMI - Body Mass Index
  3. BP - Blood Pressure
  4. BPM - Beats Per Minute
  5. BW - Body Weight
  6. CCU - Critical Care Unit
  7. COLD - Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
  8. CT scan - Computerized Tomographic (Scanners)
  9. ECG -  Electro Cardio Gram
  10. ENT - Ear Nose Throat
  11. ESI - Employer Sponsored Insurance
  12. Fx - Fracture
  13. GP - General Practitioner
  14. HA - Head Ache
  15. HR - Heart Rate
  16. ICU - Intensive Care Unit
  17. IDA - Indian Dental Association
  18. MCI - Medical Council of India
  19. MD - Doctor of Medicine
  20. MRI scan - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  21. RBC - Red Blood Cells(Corpuscles)
  22. Rx - Treatment
  23. TB - Tuberculosis
  24. WBC - White  Blood Cells(Corpuscles)
  25. YF - Yellow Fever

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