Monday, April 10, 2023

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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Indian Sensex Milestones

The milestones of Sensex touching thousands occurred in these following dates
  • 1000, 25 July 1990
  • 2000, 15 January 1992
  • 3000, 29 February 1992
  • 4000, 30 March 1992
  • 5000, 11 October 1999 
  • 6000, 11 February 2000 
  • 7000, 21 June 2005 
  • 8000, 8 September 2005
  • 9000, 9 December 2005
  • 10,000, 7 February 2006 
  • 11,000  27 March 2006
  • 12,000  20 April 2006
  • 13,000  30 October 2006
  • 14000  5 December 2006 
  • 15,000  6 July 2007 
  • 16,000 19 September 2007
  • 17,000 26 September 2007
  • 18,000 9 October 2007
  • 19,000 15 October 2007
  • 20,000, 11 December 2007
  • 21,000, 5 November 2010
  • 22,000, 24 March 2014
  • 23,000, 9 May 2014
  • 24,000, 13 May 2014
  • 25,000, 16 May 2014
  • 26,000, 7 July 2014
  • 27,000, 2 September 2014
  • 28,000, 5 November 2014
  • 29,000, 23 January 2015
  • 30,000, 4 March 2015
  • 31,000, 26 May 2017
  • 32,000, 13 July 2017
  • 33,000, 25 October 2017
  • 34,000, 26 December 2017 
  • 35,000, 17 January 2018
  • 36,000, 23 January 2018

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

5 Dry Fruits and their Beauty Benefits

1. Almonds

As small as they look, almonds are jam packed with essential fatty acids, fibres and proteins. Almonds are really effective in treating acne. This dry fruit makes excellent face packs as well. For radiant skin, take crushed almonds (which have been soaked in water) and milk. Apply the mixture on your face to remove dead cells and dirt. For your hair, you can use almond oil to add lustre and shine to dull hair.
 Health benefit: Almonds also improve your haemoglobin and promote blood circulation. They also reduce cholesterol and help in prevention of lung and breast cancer.

2. Raisins

If you want to protect your pearly whites and your beautiful eyes, you must eat a handful of raisins daily. Raisins prevent tooth decay and keep cavities at bay. They are also a good source of Vitamin A and they protect your eyes from vision related problems. Raisins also keep your skin healthy and beautiful as they contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that slows down skin ageing.
 Health benefit: Raisins are loaded with potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron and they promote blood circulation. They are highly recommended for those suffering from anaemia.


Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts which are full of good fats and nutrients. Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in abundance in walnuts, nourish dry skin and improves its texture. Mix a handful of walnuts with 3 tablespoons of yoghurt and blend it. Apply this scrub on your face daily for smooth and soft skin. Walnut, if used in the form of oil, contains linoleic acid, which prevents wrinkles and fine lines.
 Health benefits: Walnuts are called brain food and not without reason. Nearly 60% of our brain structure comprises of Omega 3 fatty acids which are found in walnuts. Walnuts are also instrumental in promoting cardiovascular health.

4. Cashew nuts

There is a myth about cashew nuts that they are unhealthy since they contain a lot of fats. But in reality, cashew nuts when eaten in moderation, actually help you lose weight. Cashew nut oil too, is used in a number of cosmetics. It helps to reduce tan and prevents skin damage. It also helps protect your cracked heels and nourishes them. Cashew nuts are rich in Vitamin E and they have anti-ageing properties as well.
 Health benefits: Cashew nuts help control cholesterol, blood sugar, prevents migraines and high blood pressure.

5. Pistachios

Pistachios are powerhouse of nutrients. Rich in Vitamin E, they protect your skin from UV rays, premature ageing and even skin cancer. Pistachio oil has demulcent properties, which basically means that they help smoothen your skin. They also contain carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are rarely found in nuts. Besides this, pistachios also contain antioxidants, which neutralise the free radicals, thus preventing ageing.
Health benefit: Pistachios help stabilise blood sugar, help in digestion, prevent heart diseases and provide your body with fibres and proteins.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

6 Drinks that Fight Age

These six drinks fight aging. See what they are and when to down them.

WATER - When to Drink: At the Alarm
Guzzle water, Dr. Lodge suggests. Hydrating will help beat that groggy feeling and make your skin look its glowy best (both now and later in life), says David E. Bank, M.D., a dermatologist in Mount Kisco, New York.

COFFEE - When to Drink: At Breakfast
Coffee may help your heart and (if you take it black) metabolism, and it reduces risk for some types of cancer, studies show.

GREEN TEA - When to Drink: At Lunch
Sip tea. Green kick-starts metabolism and can help fend off breast cancer, says Jonathan R. Cole, M.D., medical director of the California Health and Longevity Institute. Black may lower blood pressure, research from the University of Western Australia suggests.

 HOT COCOA - When to Drink:P.M. Snack 
Hot cocoa (have it over ice if you can't take the heat) has more antioxidants than does coffee, red wine or green tea, a study from Cornell University reveals. Great for your heart and skin.

RED WINE - When to Drink: At dinner
Enjoy a glass of red wine: Piceatannol, a compound your body makes when you drink vino, could stunt fat-cell growth (woot!), the Journal of Biological Chemistry reports.

MILK - When to Drink: Before Bed
 Grab milk-your skeleton will love the calcium, and your muscles will love the protein. You'll wake up even stronger.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sachin unveils BMW 3 Series in India

Sachin Tendulkar unveils the all new BMW 3 Series in India. Introduced in the Luxury and Sports Line, the all-new BMW 3 Series sets a new dimension in dynamism and elegance.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

15 Indian states with highest tax incomes

This is a list of the top 15 states of India by projected own tax revenues of their governments (excluding the shares from Union tax pool) assessed for the year 2010–15 by the Thirteenth Finance Commission. (Data Source: Finance Commission India)
  1. Maharashtra          -     Rs. 451,777 Crore
  2. Andhra Pradesh    -     Rs. 323,369 Crore
  3. Uttar Pradesh        -     Rs. 296,417 Crore
  4. Tamil Nadu             -     Rs. 273,424 Crore
  5. Karnataka              -     Rs. 252,620 Crore
  6. Gujarat                   -     Rs. 179,578 Crore
  7. West Bengal          -     Rs. 169,910 Crore
  8. Rajasthan               -     Rs. 150,741 Crore
  9. Kerala                     -     Rs. 138,221 Crore
  10. Haryana                  -     Rs. 136,291 Crore
  11. Madhya Pradesh   -     Rs. 127,222 Crore
  12. Punjab                    -     Rs. 118,022 Crore
  13. Chattisgarh            -     Rs. 72,382 Crore
  14. Jharkhand              -     Rs. 70,748 Crore
  15. Orissa                     -     Rs. 66,181 Crore

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sachin Tendulkar takes oath; becomes Rajya Sabha MP

Master blaster and 'God of Indian cricket' Sachin Tendulkar has taken oath as a Rajya Sabha member. The newly inducted MP took oath in the chamber of Rajya Sabha Chairman Hamid Ansari. He was accompanied by his wife Anjali and Rajya Sabha MP and IPL chief Rajiv Shukla. The occasion marked the first instance a playing cricketer has taken oath as Rajya Sabha  MP.

After signing on the oath, he was presented with a golden shawl and commenting after the same, he said that he will work towards uplifting cricket as well as other sports. Speaking to reporters after the swearing-in, Sachin said, "In the last 22 years, cricket has given so many things to me in life. I wanted to give back to cricket in the latter half of my life."

Sachin was nominated to the Upper House along with film actress Rekha and industrialist Anu Aga in Apr. Rekha had already taken oath, but there was a delay in Sachin doing the same since he was playing in the Indian Premier League (IPL) season 5.

Friday, June 1, 2012

10 Salary Negotiating Mistakes to Avoid

Not much makes job-seekers more anxious than negotiating--or even discussing--salary. After all, you might ask for too much, ask for too little, or otherwise sabotage your own chances of getting the best possible salary. Negotiation will go more smoothly if you know what landmines to avoid.

When it comes time to negotiate salary for a new job, make sure that you don't make these 10 key errors:
  1. Being unprepared. At some point, employers are likely to ask what salary range you're looking for, possibly as soon as their first contact with you. If you're caught off-guard, you risk low-balling yourself or otherwise saying something that will harm you in salary negotiations later. It's crucial to do your homework ahead of time so that you're ready when the question comes up.

  2. Negotiating before you have an offer. There's no point trying to negotiate before you have a job offer; after all, the employer still hasn't even decided if they want to hire you. Your leverage will be far stronger once someone is certain that you're the one they want.

  3. Relying on online salary sites to give accurate information. While salary sites might seem like the most obvious way to figure out what to ask for, these sites are frequently unreliable, in part because the job titles they list often represent wildly different scopes of responsibility. Professional associations in your industry might do more reliable salary surveys, but even then, you're more likely to get the right range by talking to people in your field.

  4. Discussing salary in your cover letter. Some candidates announce their salary requirements in their cover letters without being asked, and some even include their salary history on their resumes. There's no reason to talk money at this stage, and doing it unprompted at the application stage can come across as naive.

  5. Citing your finances. Salary conversations should be solely about your value to the company, not about your own finances. Employers don't pay people based on financial need, so don't cite your mortgage or your kid's college tuition as a reason you're asking for more money.

  6. Asking for too long to respond to an offer. It's normal to request a few days to consider an offer, and sometimes employers will give you a week or so. But if you ask for much time beyond that, you risk signaling that you're not excited about the job, but might settle for it if you don't get any other offers. That's a good way to lessen the hiring manager's enthusiasm and bring into question your own.

  7. Not factoring in the benefits package. Salary is only one part of a compensation package; you also need to factor in benefits like healthcare, retirement contributions, and paid leave. After all, if you'll be paying significantly more for healthcare or receiving fewer paid vacation days than you're used to, that might cancel out part of any salary gains you hope to make. On the other hand, being able to work from home or having an on-site day care might be benefits that make it worth it to you to take a slightly lower salary.

  8. Underestimating happiness as a factor. A higher salary generally won't make up for a job where you'll be miserable, so think carefully about factors other than money: the work you'll be doing, the people with whom you'll be working, the company culture, and even the length of your commute. It might be worth giving up a bit of extra pay to ensure that you're happy going to work every day.

  9. Listening to bad advice. Negotiation advice that worked a few decades ago isn't always effective now. In fact, some of it can hurt your chances. For instance, delaying the salary conversation as long as you can or refusing to name a figure first--common advice in previous generations--can backfire today by turning the employer off and making you look like you're playing games.

  10. Not negotiating. Whatever you do, negotiate. If you simply take the first salary you're offered, you'll never know if you could have received more by simply asking.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

8 Things you should never do in office

There are lot of people who and a lot of articles/books that will tell you what you must do in office. But there will be very few who tell you what not to do.

This is where we come in. Every office has its set of dos and don’ts, but then there is also a set of general don’ts that you need to keep in mind. We are here to list these general don’ts for you and we are sure they will help you stay clear of getting embarrassed in office.

1. Peep into someone’s laptop/desktop.  The most annoying person in office is the one who peeps into his colleagues laptop screen. Make sure you are not this annoying person. No matter the urge to see what other people are up to, you must save yourself the embarrassment of being labelled the office’s peeping tom.

2. Walk around like you own the place.  It is great to be confident, but it is a sin to be cocky. So under no circumstances should you walk around like you own the place. It is advisable to keep your smartness in check and not throw your weight around. Keep it easy going and genuine, and everyone in office will like you instead of bitching about you.

3. Be loud.  Oh my GOD!Please don’t be that loud person in office. Keep your voice level in check, do not play loud music and stay clear of all things loud. Loud people annoy colleagues like few other people/things do. Train yourself to talk softly yet be audible.

4. Gossip.  We are sure you have heard this one before. It is imperative to stay clear of gossip, but we all know that this is not possible. Every nook and corner of office is full of gossip mongers. What you can do however, is keep your tongue in check. Don’t bitch everyone out to everyone, and don’t allow others to christen you the gossip king.

5. Stealing.  Every office goer at some point in time is inclined to steal some office stationery: a pen, a paper, a folder, or a print out. Doing so once in a blue moon is okay, but don’t make a habit of it. Stealing is bad and you will be answerable and payable if you are caught.

6. Lie/Blame others.  When you find yourself in a soup or in tough situations you will be inclined to lie or shift the blame of your wrong doing on someone else. If you do this, you are putting not only your reputation at stake but your job too. Always stick to the honesty policy and play fair.

7. Share your personal problems.  No one lives an easy life. Everyone has their share of personal problems just as you have yours. It would be naïve to share your personal problems with your work colleagues. We suggest you leave these issues at home and come to office with a clear mind. Remember, your colleagues aren’t your personal agony aunts.

8. Make out.  Irrespective of how hot that colleague of yours is, making out in the office is just unpardonable. Making out is an extremely private affair and an office is the least private of places you know. Besides, if somebody catches you in the act, you can bid your job farewell.

This is list of general don’ts in work environments. Avoid committing these errors and you are sure to stay in the office good books

Friday, May 25, 2012

Medical Related Abbreviations

  1. AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
  2. BMI - Body Mass Index
  3. BP - Blood Pressure
  4. BPM - Beats Per Minute
  5. BW - Body Weight
  6. CCU - Critical Care Unit
  7. COLD - Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
  8. CT scan - Computerized Tomographic (Scanners)
  9. ECG -  Electro Cardio Gram
  10. ENT - Ear Nose Throat
  11. ESI - Employer Sponsored Insurance
  12. Fx - Fracture
  13. GP - General Practitioner
  14. HA - Head Ache
  15. HR - Heart Rate
  16. ICU - Intensive Care Unit
  17. IDA - Indian Dental Association
  18. MCI - Medical Council of India
  19. MD - Doctor of Medicine
  20. MRI scan - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  21. RBC - Red Blood Cells(Corpuscles)
  22. Rx - Treatment
  23. TB - Tuberculosis
  24. WBC - White  Blood Cells(Corpuscles)
  25. YF - Yellow Fever